Cyndy Sperry’s “Peaceable Kingdom” with ceramics by Joanna Dunn will be on exhibit @ the Oxbow gallery.

Oxbow Art Gallery 40 Cottage Street, Easthampton, MA, United States

Cyndy Sperry will be showing new paintings and drawings, back Gallery,  that derive inspiration from Edward Hicks (1780-1849), a 19th Century American Quaker who ministered, farmed, built coaches, and made over 60 paintings related to the theme of a "Peaceable Kingdom" in the last decade of his life.  Former Oxbow member Joanna Dunn will be […]

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Margaret Humbert-Droz at Oxbox Gallery

Oxbow Gallery 273 Pleasant St, Northampton, MA, United States

Oxbow Gallery in Easthampton, Forget the rock; to paper and scissors add glue-sticks, a utility knife, a swivel knife, acrylic paint as well as found bits and pieces, and you have the tools Margaret Humbert-Droz uses for her collages and cut paper pieces.  Her images riff on Euclid's Elements of Geometry as well as […]

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