Sarah Creighton

Sarah Creighton, Bookbinder

My primary interest is in collaborating with publisher, artist, and printer. With all projects the aim is to make books that open easily; books that are a pleasure to handle. The binding designs reflect the tone and quality of each book’s text and imagery complementing, rather than competing with, typographic design and artwork.

Sarah Creighton received a BFA in Printmaking and Painting, then trained as a hand bookbinder, serving apprenticeships with David Bourbeau and Arno Werner. She worked for Gray Parrot as an edition binder and then studied with Hugo Peller at the Centro del bel Libro in Ascona, Switzerland.

In 1982 she established Sarah Creighton Bookbinding. She maintains her bindery in Easthampton, MA, where she designs and produces limited editions of fine press books, portfolios, boxes, and unique fine bindings. She also makes decorated papers and uses many of these in her edition work.