Elizabeth Jane MacDuffie

Co-founder and editor of Meat for Tea; The Valley Review/ Producer of mixed media events

I am a writer and mixed medias artist committed to showcasing and promoting the writing and art work of people of the Valley and beyond. Meat for Tea and the corresponding mixed media events I produce provide a forum where local artists, writers, musicians and film makers can showcase their work and network with each other.

I’m a writer and a visual artist. When I came to this Valley I noticed that though the area had an abundance of talented writers, their was no independent forum to showcase their work. Hence the inspiration for creating Meat for Tea: The Valley Review

Meat for Tea:The Valley Review and the corresponding mixed media events, The Cirques, have been Northampton Art Council grant recipients in 2006, 2007, and 2009 and ECC grant recipients in 2014 and 2015.