Dan Chelotti

Poet on the moonlit bike path of the soul

I write poems: http://lareviewofbooks.org/interview/making-true-things-true-interview-dan-chelotti And I read poems: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dan-chelotti-/why-read-poetry_b_5227554.html

Dan Chelotti is the author of x (McSweeney’s 2013) and a chapbook, The Eights (Poetry Society of America 2006), which was selected by Yusef Komunyakaa for a national fellowship. His poems have appeared in Poetry, Boston Review, jubilat, and many other journals.

Earned my MFA from UMASS-Amherst in 2006. Lived in Ljubljana, Slovenia for a month on a residency from the Slovenian Arts Council in 2006. Received tenure at Elms College in 2014. Gave poetry readings all over the U.S. and a couple spots in Europe in 2014. Lived on and off in Easthampton for 11 years.