Eileen Jager
“I’m endlessly fascinated by the dance of glass and light. This has been my passion since a magical moment at Chartres Cathedral when I was struck by the power of light and color to transform space.” Eileen is inspired by world travels, the cycles of nature and the balance of form and function. Each piece she creates is a journey revealed through vision, trust, and perseverance. Her luscious glass mosaic furniture and aquatiture are multidimensional sculptures, a sensory delight to see, hear, touch and experience. Iridescent glass shimmers while water gently flows creating a subtly soothing and energizing ambiance. Ms. Jager is moved by the power of art to transform and enhance our lives. She welcomes commissions for site-specific projects in private homes and gardens as well as public spaces.
In 1979 I visited Chartres Cathedral near Paris and my life was forever changed. Fascinated by the mystic symbolism and inspired by the stained glass I felt like I was sitting inside a jewel box. I was struck by the power that light has to transform space, both in the inner and outer realms. This moment marks the beginning of a life long passion.
Philabaum Studios, Tucson AZ. “Truth In Glass” 1994 Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show, Phila. PA. 1993 Galerie Glas 1, Stockholm Sweden, 1992 Furniture Style, “Open & Shut”, August 2002 Braggioti Gallery, Rotterdam Holland. 1992